ar X iv : m at h / 92 02 20 4 v 1 [ m at h . FA ] 2 8 Fe b 19 92 COMPLEXITY OF WEAKLY NULL SEQUENCES
We introduce an ordinal index which measures the complexity of a weakly null sequence, and show that a construction due to J. Schreier can be iterated to produce for each α < ω1, a weakly null sequence (xαn)n in C ( ωω α ) with complexity α. As in the Schreier example each of these is a sequence of indicator functions which is a suppression-1 unconditional basic sequence. These sequences are used to construct Tsirelson-like spaces of large index. We also show that this new ordinal index is related to the Lavrentiev index of a Baire-1 function and use the index to sharpen some results of Alspach and Odell on averaging weakly null sequences.
منابع مشابه
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We study the distribution of the number of permutations with a given periodic up-down sequence w.r.t. the last entry, find exponential generating functions and prove asymptotic formulas for this distribution. §
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ar X iv : m at h / 02 02 30 5 v 1 [ m at h . FA ] 2 8 Fe b 20 02 The flip is often discontinuous
Let A be a Banach algebra. The flip on A ⊗ A is defined through A ⊗ A ∋ a⊗ b 7→ b⊗ a. If A is ultraprime, El(A), the algebra of all elementary operators on A, can be algebraically identified with A ⊗ A, so that the flip is well defined on El(A). We show that the flip on El(A) is discontinuous if A = K(E) for a reflexive Banach space E with the approximation property.
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ar X iv : a st ro - p h / 92 05 00 5 v 1 9 M ay 1 99 2 UCSBTH – 92 – 05 April 1992 CHAOTIC DARK MATTER
A very weakly coupled scalar field with mass m and initial vacuum expectation value V will provide enough mass to close the universe provided V ≃ (3 × 10 8 GeV)(100 GeV/m) 1/4. We discuss possible models in which such a field could arise. (a) Electronic address (internet): [email protected].
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